Welcome to the Box of Meetings

Work happens in teams.

The best leaders are those who can get their teams working brilliantly. As a Team Leader you will need to be able to run and be part of different types of team meetings to achieve certain outcomes.

There are meetings WITH your team:

  1. Objective setting and review
  2. Team performance review
  3. Innovation/Idea generation
  4. Learning sessions
  5. Collaboration sessions
  6. Communication sessions
  7. Diversity & Inclusion

And there are meetings ABOUT your team:

  1. Talent discussions
  2. Pay, bonus and recognition discussions
  3. Succession Planning

Here are some simple Team Meeting cards to help you (and your team) get the most out of each of them.

All our suggestions and tips are based on the very latest trends in people management and what we have learnt from some of the most progressive and successful organisations around the world.

Suggested timing: 1 hour every 3 months

Facilitated by: Team Leader or why not nominate someone in the team to help facilitate?

For: the whole team


Tips and Hints

Meeting Starters

Suggested timing: 15 mins weekly or at the end of a project

Facilitated by: Team Leader

For: the whole team


Tips and Hints

Meeting Starters

Suggested timing: 45 mins once every 2 or 3 months

Facilitated by: Team Leader

For: relevant team members


Tips and Hints

Meeting Starters

Suggested timing: 30-45 minutes every month

Facilitated by: Team Leader

For: the whole team


Tips and Hints

Meeting Starters

Suggested timing: Make it an agenda item on a team meeting every 3 months

Facilitated by: Team Leader

For: the whole team


Tips and Hints

Meeting Starters

Suggested timing: Everyday!

Facilitated by: Team Leader

For: the whole team


Tips and Hints

Meetings Starters

Suggested timing: 45 mins every 3 months

Facilitated by: Team Leader

For: the whole team


Tips and Hints

Meeting Starters

Suggested timing: 1.5 hours every 1 or 2 months

Facilitated by: HR or a Team Leader

For: cluster of Team Leaders (5+)


Tips and Hints

Meeting Starters

Suggested timing: 1.5 hours at least twice a year

Facilitated by: HR or a Leader from the business

For: cluster of team leaders (5+) across different business units


Tips and Hints

Meeting Starters

Suggested timing: 1 hour every 3 months

Facilitated by: HR or a Senior Leader

For: clusters of Team Leaders


Tips and Hints

Here Are Some Approaches That You Might Want To Consider:

Meeting Starters